Alldeynn Cannabi Rose 10% CBD 15ml
What is CANNABI ROSE 10%? Improving the mood, finding distance and peace of mind is extremely important in everyday functioning. People who are tired, working under time pressure, exposed to stress, burned out at work, or leading a very active lifestyle will appreciate how beneficial the use of CBD can be. Cannabidiol (CBD) is responsible for the physical and mental balance of a human being, i.e. broadly understood health. The myrcene found in cannabis flowers is a terpene that has a calming and relaxing effect, so it has a huge impact on both stress and falling asleep problems. CBD naturally affects our central nervous system by increasing serotonin levels and reducing feelings of anxiety and irritability. As you know, the proper quality of sleep significantly translates into regeneration, fitness and well-being during the day. Thanks to the regulation of the endocannabinoid system, CBD taken during the day has an activating effect, and when used in the evening, it relaxes and makes it easier to fall asleep.